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The healthcare market in Oman is expected to be worth OMR 770 million by 2015, a result of population growth, rising levels of lifestyle related diseases and increased health insurance.

With the government turning its focus to the healthcare sector, the quality of healthcare available in Oman has improved over the past decade. Recent and ongoing developments include the continued expansion on the private medical segment and the introduction of international standards throughout the public sector.

As a result, the Sultanate is steadily earning a reputation as a centre for healthcare in the region and the sector is set to experience expansion for the foreseeable future. With the demand for state-of-the-art health facilities and the Sultanate aiming to become a world-class medical tourism destination, AJIG plans on playing a key role in this sector.

Vamed Medical

Vamed offers the entire value chain in the field of healthcare, from consulting and development via planning to installation and management. Vamed is an internationally reputable partner with more than 600 healthcare projects in 70 countries.

Universal Hospital Services

Since 1988, Universal Hospital Services (UHS) has realized inadequacies within regional Architectural firms’ services in providing dedicated medical equipment planning. UHS also realized that other sub-specialty services pertaining to proper hospital design are also lacking. Since that time, UHS charted its course to fill this gap by providing dedicated and updated technical services to regional & international architectural firms, who engage in hospital and healthcare facility design. Since then, UHS has been involved in more than 160 projects. Through continuous training to its staff members in 8 offices, UHS has developed and continues to develop the necessary expertise to implement required services in the broad healthcare industry. UHS also developed the necessary technical and computerized tools to assist in the execution of projects and to provide accurate, coordinated and integrated technical services. With the development of the BIM (Building Information Management) platform, UHS effective 2014 will
start to upgrade its systems to integrate with the BIM environment.

Universal Tehran Clinic LLC

Universal Tehran Clinic is specialized in a variety of medical services in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman with qualified medical and administration teams. This Clinic is in partnership with Safiran International Airlines & the Noor Eye Hospital in Iran and plans to open the Clinic by end 2017. Its future vision is to set up a hospital with funding for hi-tech innovative medical infrastructure.